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Ep. 5x03 "Big in Japan"
ZoriahDate: Monday, 22 Dec 14, 6:22 PM | Message # 61
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There were actually a lot of things I enjoyed about this episode.

Admittedly some of it might be because of the butthurt I'm reading from a certain faction of the fandom, but I am gonna try to keep my schadenfreude to a minimum.

I loved that Tamsin was the one to not coddle Bo and instead forced her to confront her grief/fears of being alone. I also really liked how Lauren gave Tamsin credit for it. Tamsin's face after internalizing that praise was just heartbreakingly real - the shock, the happiness, the vulnerability & the attempt to shake it off for getting hit in the feels. Pure Tamsin.

I am SOOO looking forward to more Bo/Tamsin 'on the case' or just blowing off steam escapades. Having them be roomies is full of potential. Loved the look on Bo's face when she was about to kiss Tamsin. Sad that it was just a tease, but I did like how Bo felt sexual attraction to all three characters on some level & equally couldn't follow through with any of them till she got her mojo back.

While some ppl may be annoyed it was Dyson who ended up recharging Bo, I'm still getting the vibe that he's really okay with just being a loyal friend & occasional fuck buddy. I think he meant it when he said he was now single. It was a cute exchange with Tamsin & I am wondering if the writers had her asking BOTH Lauren & Dyson where they stood with Bo first because she's getting closer to admitting she wants to pursue Bo but still respects the two ex lovers enough to check with them.

Lauren choosing to friendzone herself and Bo seeming to be okay/on the same page with that right now is awesome. Heck, the writers even played the sitting awkwardly outside the lab listening to DyBo bang completely for laughs. Let's not forget that Lauren broke up with Bo twice, in S3 & S4 so really it's understandable that Bo isn't going to be rushing to try to get back with her, no matter what feelings she might still harbor.

Is it me or are they really steering things towards a polyamory solution or at least leveling the playing field a bit and not just making it a boring pandering doccufest? I saw people complaining on another forum that Lauren was getting the 'Dyson treatment' (becoming a loyal ex-lover who understands Bo can't commit to just one love). As someone who's rooted for Dyson and for Tamsin to be with Bo at different points of the series, welcome to the FRICKING CLUB of being strung along & having to take what crumbs the writers give you.

I liked how Bo's story intersected with the false 'exulted one' - we got to see how being chosen can be a burden & obligation and not being true to one's self can lead to disaster & dishonor. I loved that Tomoe got the recognition she deserved, with Bo & Tamsin's help. Bo looked awesome walking away in her red dress, head held high. It seemed a way to show that she'd learned something about opening up, depending on others & what true leadership means.

Still not sure about candle lady. It seems the elevator crashed with everyone in it? My guess is she's either possessed or 'activated' by the candle. Either she's the pesky Lauren molesting ghost OR Bo's daddy skin-walking in the real world. Or both, since that ghost story just seemed odd to introduce if it's not going anywhere & was just a fake out for an 'I thought it was Bo communicating via sex' punchline.

Where's Stacy gone? I presume she's still going to try to claim Lauren's soul at some point? Heck, I am assuming we're going to get another round of Lauren in grave peril soonish. At least this time it won't really be her fault (not like the consequences of voluntarily leaving the Light Fae to throw in with a crazy Fae mass-murderer LOL or the consequences of having forcibly made a Fae Leader human via deceitful oral sex. LMAO)

Edited to add: Notice the lack of Rainier mention or grief? I think the writers realized they fucked up last year with trying to force Bo into snap-falling for a new (ambiguously evil or not) love interest while suffering from amnesia etc. The whole 'oops we done fucked up & got tricked into marrying' storyline was truly awful & I'm not sad they are attempting to pretend it never existed.

Post edited by Zoriah - Monday, 22 Dec 14, 6:31 PM
UberFaenaticDate: Monday, 22 Dec 14, 10:33 PM | Message # 62
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The more I think of it, the more I feel Big in Japan was not a filler episode at all. While the primary story was set outside the daddy arc, the underlying tensions and issues were an essential culmination of what came before, i.e., Bo suffering real damage from losing Kenzi, someone she believed in her soul would never really leave her, never walk away willingly. Add to that the other deaths and losses and discoveries about both of her parents and herself, and her breakdown is entirely logical & even necessary.

The same is true with regard to Lauren's story. There had to be consequences for what she did to Evony. I'm quite glad they didn't drop this.

Then there's the team dynamic. The sand is shifting under everyone's feet and it was important to see how Team Bo would regroup.

Lauren and Dyson both seem comfortable in their roles. Tamsin's is a little less stable. Yes, she's upending her career as a cop and yes, she'll start taking cases with Bo, but she isn't Kenzi. Her dynamic with Bo has an edge that Benzi never had nor should.

I teared up watching Tamsin being appreciated and accepted by Lauren because how many people in her lives have ever acknowledged her worth? Few to none, I imagine. I'm looking forward to seeing where she and Bo go with their new "thing". (whispers, VALKUBUS) 

Finally, we add in the bits about the lady from the elevator and we have a pretty solid episode. Honestly I think the key is expectations. If you're watching expecting X to happen (let's say a shipping scenario) and it doesn't, that doesn't mean the ep sucked. It means you need to reset your perspective on how you approach the episode. Given we're 3 episodes in, why anyone would think anything super definitive would happen with any of the ships is a mystery. But I did see a lot of groundwork being laid for what's to come.

Bottom line, I was impressed and enjoyed Big In Japan immensely and look forward for the rest of S5.

Added (22 Dec 14, 10:33 PM)
Quote Zoriah ()
Edited to add: Notice the lack of Rainier mention or grief? I think the writers realized they fucked up last year with trying to force Bo into snap-falling for a new (ambiguously evil or not) love interest while suffering from amnesia etc. The whole 'oops we done fucked up & got tricked into marrying' storyline was truly awful & I'm not sad they are attempting to pretend it never existed.

Actually Bo listed Rainer among her losses. lol

"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"

Post edited by UberFaenatic - Monday, 22 Dec 14, 10:34 PM
ZoriahDate: Monday, 22 Dec 14, 11:14 PM | Message # 63
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Actually, yes, I was wrong about the lack of Rainier mention, but boy did it not register with me at all when Kenzi & Hale were given much more emphasis. I agree it was understandable that Bo was having trouble processing her sense of loss/grief regarding Kenzi & other revelations about her parents. It was important for her to work through it & I loved that Tamsin's tough love approach was what was made the difference.

I'm pretty sure we're gonna get more great opportunities for Bo to appreciate Tamsin in a more romantic way. I think TamTam was trying a little too hard to fill the Kenzi void in some ways (like when she made Bo 'dinner') when it would have been better to just be herself. I like that uncertainty/awkward tension, though, because the relationship is still relatively new/evolving in comparison to the other two pairings.

I liked the return to the S1 -S2 monster of the week style of case. It gave me a nice sense of nostalgia while still having a larger thematic purpose.
UberFaenaticDate: Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 1:51 AM | Message # 64
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Quote Zoriah ()
Actually, yes, I was wrong about the lack of Rainier mention, but boy did it not register with me at all when Kenzi & Hale were given much more emphasis. I agree it was understandable that Bo was having trouble processing her sense of loss/grief regarding Kenzi & other revelations about her parents. It was important for her to work through it & I loved that Tamsin's tough love approach was what was made the difference.

I'm pretty sure we're gonna get more great opportunities for Bo to appreciate Tamsin in a more romantic way. I think TamTam was trying a little too hard to fill the Kenzi void in some ways (like when she made Bo 'dinner') when it would have been better to just be herself. I like that uncertainty/awkward tension, though, because the relationship is still relatively new/evolving in comparison to the other two pairings.

I liked the return to the S1 -S2 monster of the week style of case. It gave me a nice sense of nostalgia while still having a larger thematic purpose.
I agree on all of this. This episode was necessary. I've seen some angry at Bo and calling her insensitive to everyone. I don't think that's the case at all. I think Bo was slowly self destructing and putting up walls and distractions to not deal with what was happening to her but her denial almost cost her her life.

If Bo had gone right back to being awesome Bo, it would have been a lie and a cheat. She needed to be confronted and face what she was doing to herself.

Added (23 Dec 14, 1:51 AM)
So RSkar just favorited a tweet I posted. COOL. biggrin

UberFaenatic ‏@theuberfan

The wealth of emotions here are a veritable treasure trove from our show not tell valkyrie

#LostGirl @RachieSkarsten

"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"

Post edited by UberFaenatic - Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 2:09 AM
LilouDate: Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 11:46 AM | Message # 65
Baby Fae
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Quote Zoriah ()
Loved the look on Bo's face when she was about to kiss Tamsin. Sad that it was just a tease

I'm i the only one who thinks Tamsin  was making sex offer to Bo in that scene?

Tamsin was definitely looking at her mouth and then breasts too and for the first time Bo finally caught her allusion and totally freaked out. she was running away from Tammy faster than marathoner happy
Btwi  laughed so hard at Tamsin pick up line ,,where's the toilet'' in japanese and Bo reaction she was definitely thinking it was something romantic LOL
Now i only hope, writers won't drop Valkubus like last year after yule ep, they have great potential not like in Dyson or Lauren case, both blinded with their love almost let Bo self destruct.
LanieDate: Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 4:08 PM | Message # 66
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I honestly can't find a single thing to complain about this year. So far so good.  happy Ok, not thrilled about Kenzi's departure, but if that means more badass Tamsin screen time, I'll take it anytime.

ZoriahDate: Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 4:52 PM | Message # 67
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I can't remember exactly what Tamsin said there, but yes, it felt like she was propositioning Bo there. In a casual way, but still noticeable.

I also feel that Tamsin tries to make herself available to Bo, but gives herself an out with her 'whatever, didn't really want to anyway' attitude. That way she can pretend she doesn't give a shit if she's rejected. Still, I think RS does a great job at showing that, beneath that eye-rolling veneer, she DOES care very deeply.
UberFaenaticDate: Tuesday, 23 Dec 14, 5:24 PM | Message # 68
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And I think that's SO KEY. Tamsin isn't going to say it first. I can almost guarantee it. She doesn't do words.

If Valkubus happens, it will be because Bo pursues it.

"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"
FreedomDate: Thursday, 25 Dec 14, 11:05 AM | Message # 69
Baby Fae
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I will stick to my opinion about the fact,that THIS episode was pretty much base for everything to come.
Now as regards to Tamsin and Bo's relationship...I will have to say I am pretty uncertain as to whether Bo has realised Tamsin is actually genuinely in love with her.Something tells me,that with all the crap she'd been through in season 3&4 she might have in fact not rendered just how strong Tamsin's feelings are.And another side of me most probably supports the concept of Bo being blind,when it comes to Tamsin...even maybe intentionally.

For me,the Succubus wants to keep it simple with Tamsin,as in not complicate things with her.Because she is afraid she loses anyone that actually is close to her heart,and for that reason possibly,she does not want to iclude Tamsin in her list of broken-hearted in danger lovers.

So to prevent that from happening,unintentionally but at the same time intentionally,her subconscious is keeping her from seeing what is right in front of her.

Tamsin's love.

And were we in this fifth and final season,without season's 4 Tamsin in the background,I would almost 100% sure say,that Tamsin wouldn't have wanted to be in that list too.She would have denied her feelings firstly to herself and then to anyone else...and she would have tried to do the exact same thing as Bo.

Ignore it.
Blind herself.

However,season's 4 Tamsin does exist,and no matter how disappointing and cruel it is to not be able to go back and bring the awesome,badass,maybe even emotionless and much more complicated Valkyrie where she actually should be...season 5 is working with her.

This Tamsin I believe...won't open up herself immediately,but in the long run she will show and throw many clues and signs concerning her real sentiments.Right now,it's entirely plausible that she just wants to be there for Bo,and is glad to even get to walk the same ground with her.

Obviously...the first case...with the Tamsin season 3 for me would be a much more interesting story to tell...but... comments.

I am absolutely certain we will see Valkubus this year.
And when I say Valkubus I don't mean - oh happy relationships,rainbows,unicorns,and...endgame.
I mean,we will at least get some kisses and that the romantic vibes between them will be picked up.

And if the gut feeling ain't enough proof,then let me just state these :

1.Firstly Michael Grassi is such a Valkubus shipper.I know 'cause it's obvious from the way he talks about them and makes sure they stay in the shipping game.

2.When asked by a fan...what was Rachel Skarsten's most preferable provocative scene (as in kissing)...Rachel Skarsten chooses Anna.Now what is to be taken under consideration,is not the actual fact she prefers Anna...but the fact that she uses Present Simple to state it.She's always either saying "kissing Anna IS probably more fun"...or "we got some good ones this upcoming season".

3.Well the last sentence actually pretty much SAYS OUT LOUD : Tamsin will kiss people many times and it's reaally more likely for it to be ANNA and Kris.(Ignore the fact she will kiss Kris too,focus on the fact she will kiss ANNA)

4.If Grassi is one hundred absolutely percent dead-serious on the fact that Dyson and Tamsin have cleared out their position on personals...and Tamsin gets a relationship...there's a new contender for Bo's heart and it might be someone we know...

I get the point.

So on a final note...I'll be optimistic,with low expectations...'cause that's honestly the best you can do in this kind of situations.
Isabel_QDate: Saturday, 27 Dec 14, 5:09 AM | Message # 70
Drunk Valkyrie
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Quote Freedom ()
I will stick to my opinion about the fact,that THIS episode was pretty much base for everything to come.
Now as regards to Tamsin and Bo's relationship...I will have to say I am pretty uncertain as to whether Bo has realised Tamsin is actually genuinely in love with her.Something tells me,that with all the crap she'd been through in season 3&4 she might have in fact not rendered just how strong Tamsin's feelings are.And another side of me most probably supports the concept of Bo being blind,when it comes to Tamsin...even maybe intentionally.

For me,the Succubus wants to keep it simple with Tamsin,as in not complicate things with her.Because she is afraid she loses anyone that actually is close to her heart,and for that reason possibly,she does not want to iclude Tamsin in her list of broken-hearted in danger lovers.

So to prevent that from happening,unintentionally but at the same time intentionally,her subconscious is keeping her from seeing what is right in front of her.

Tamsin's love.

I agree, this actually made sense. I remember when BoLo split, and Bo asked Dyson if shes hard to love... it made sense that she really thought that she sucks being on relationships and if she starts feeding off or sexting Tamsin, there will def be strings attached and shes reluctant to try it with Tammers because she doesn't want to hurt her.

In Tamsin's part, we talked before the thought that Tamsin doesn't pursue Bo because she thought she doesn't deserve her, Bo being noble and her with her dark past. That's s3 Tamsin.

S5 Tamsin is in her last life and last chance of happiness which to her is having a family or love ones or someone to love. Which is why that CopDoc scene is really emotional for her. Acceptance is big deal for her, and she longs for that. I speculate that Tamsin will finally have the courage to pursue Bo this season. She already cleared/asked Lauren and Dyson about their status with Bo and the coast is clear. I feel that she will confess to Bo in the near future and we will have a Valkubus moment.

I don't think Bo will ever choose. She will go with the polyamory route like Zoriah said.

Added (27 Dec 14, 5:06 AM)
"Red blinds the foolish"
Love Blinds.

Lauren and Dyson's love blinded them to see that Bo is suffering from a serious depression and going for self-destruct, they are so whipped that they just let Bo sad I'm glad Tamsin was there to slap her back to her senses.

Added (27 Dec 14, 5:09 AM)
That scene also reminded me that I hate Kenzi for leaving.
