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Ep. 4x04 "Turn to Stone"
LanieDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 4:45 AM | Message # 76
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Tamsin scenes 4x04 - click -

UberFaenaticDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 5:17 AM | Message # 77
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There are not enough good things I can say about this episode.  I'm an utter mess right now.    tears

"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"
BreathofLifeDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 7:15 AM | Message # 78
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I think I died watching this episode. I was initially worried about the wings thing cause I didn't know if they were gonna be CGI and I'm not too confident in their CGI abilities but wow, she looked utterly amazing...I was squealing at four in the morning, there are far too many perfect things to list about this episode. I don't think watching it earlier was a good idea considering I have a Psychology exam in an hour and I am so not in the right frame of mind to revise, the episode has rendered me a complete mess and I'm so happy I could just burst into happy tears

I'm just gonna come back when I can think and speak rationally.

Post edited by BreathofLife - Monday, 02 Dec 13, 7:16 AM
Isabel_QDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 7:20 AM | Message # 79
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"That's what love feels like..." 
LanieDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 8:01 AM | Message # 80
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We're all happy about this one, right? FINALLY! I think it was worth the wait.

It's great to see the super powerful Valkyrie being back in her original RS form. She totally reminds me of the parasite-infected Tamsin from 3x03. biggrin She's funny, adorable and still so full of self-loathing. People need to stop telling her she's a monster and let her know how incredibly perfect she is more often. The wings were all sorts of awesome. Did she have them in her previous lives or do Valkyries get them only in their last life cycles? Spreading/showing them looked awfully painful. So now she's become mortal ... just like Bo. smile

I hope asking Bo & Dyson if she could "go shopping" with them isn't a foreshadowing about TBD threesome sometime in the future. Is Massimo gone for good? Is he dead? If so, one candidate less for Tamsin smooching time.

LOL at Kenzi for not knowing how to spell V-a-l-k-y-r-i-e. I loved how she took care of Tamsin as if she was her little sister. smile

And especially great acting chops by RS in this epi, well done! smile

SirGladiatorDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:49 AM | Message # 81
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It seemed like Massimo was suggesting that her having wings meant it was her last life cycle, but it could've just been that sentence was poorly worded, since Tamsin herself said that the wings weren't new.  I doubt that Massimo is dead, but I also doubt we'll see him again this season.  Perhaps we'll see his mother, he did mention she needs Tamsin's hair.  

The wings were great, and it was nice to see Tamsin being the one getting the affectionate speech, hopefully she'll get an even better one once she's 'older' and they can do more than just hug afterward smile .  The 'that's what love feels like' line was awesome, but Bo's line a minute or so later was pretty awesome too, where she told Massimo 'go near Tamsin and Kenzi one more time, I dare you', she put Tamsin first, even ahead of Kenzi.  I can't recall if she's ever done that for Dyson or Lauren, but either way that was a pretty huge deal, pretty easy to overlook considering all the other awesome stuff going on, but that was pretty big too.

Such an awesome episode, it's great to see Valkubus back again, and all that stands in the way of them finally getting together is for Tamsin to get enough of her memories back that she's acting like an adult again.  It's just a matter of time, and hopefully not too much time smile !
JTDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 12:01 PM | Message # 82
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I can't believe I'm doing this from work... but OMG...

Teen Tamsin said she's almost 2 weeks old... does that mean she was reborn after Bo woke up and remembered them? Because that's how I'm leaning towards interpreting that sentence.

From Massimo's words, it seems like Valkyries get their wings in their last life cycle... so I imagine it means that if and when Tamsin dies this time, she won't be reborn again. The question no is how long are their life cycles? And does this mean Valkyries start to age more/faster physically?

The wings... yeah, they looked painful. When first Tamsin fell to the ground in pain after the robbers confrontation, I thought they shot her with some form of toxin in order to kidnap her. Now, after rewatching (instead of sleeping) it's because of the pain sad (my poor baby). That's confirmed after grown Tamsin runs away from Dyson and looks at the mirror uttering "what's happening to me?".

The Valkubus moments... *sigh* I don't care what certain factions of the fandom say, Tamsin's "that's what love feels like wasn't a result of Bo's charm/thrall thing. It wasn't lustful, like every other human and/or fae that has ever experienced such thrall. It wasn't about ripping Bo's clothes of and it wasn't about Tamsin being a robot-like puppy waiting for instruction.

I'm glad I wasn't completely right about the reason Bo was upset with/felt betrayed by Kenzi. The Dyson kiss was just a factor, but it was mainly the betrayal of the kiss for Massimo's potion. I'm glad that didn't last long and in the end, Bo came to her senses.

Bo finally sees that basically everyone has at some point has lied to her. I hope they don't sweep it under the rug and have Bo confront Dyson, Trick, what's her face. I'm glad Bo and Kenzi managed to air things out between them.

I'm curious why Massimo went loopy after Bo went succubus on him though. Was it his desperation? When he said his mommy needs Tamsin's hair... was he referring to Evony? And if so, why call her that? Does that mean he's not 100% human but a hybrid? Or am I being too literal?

Interesting how Tamsin only reverts to her badass self on full Valkyrie form and sort of goes back to her immature mind once she's back to 'normal'. I wonder when her mind will catch up with her body.

Rachel and Ksenia were the MVPs this ep.

My heart ached for Kenzi when she confessed what she was doing and why. How inadequate she felt and how everyone's words affected her.

Rachel was awesome as Tamsin. We saw everything. Her snarky self when she went full Valkyrie on Massimo when he threatened Bo. I was laughing and awwing when she was so innocent.

Bo's blood choosing the dark smile I have to say I'm glad I was right with my guess. The hints all pointed to it and I'm glad it wasn't another red herring on the PTB's part.

Loved this ep. Now, we just need for Tamsin to remember everything and for her mind to catch up to her body. AND for Bo & Tamsin to continue to have moments where their feelings for each other just get deeper.

"My personality is who I am... my attitude depends on who you are..."
SirGladiatorDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 3:33 PM | Message # 83
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Yeah, the whole 'powers' thing isn't relevant because we already knew that Tamsin is in love with Bo, she just didn't remember it yet.  If Bo using her powers helped Tamsin remember what it felt like to love Bo, then that's a good thing.  It's not like Tamsin hated Bo last season and Bo was making Tamsin do a complete 180 by using her powers on her.  She was just helping Tamsin get back to where she already was before she lost her memory.

It was nice that they put a focus on how everybody has lied to Bo and kept secrets from her, of course Tamsin is the only exception to that, which should be quite important at the proper time smile .  At least Kenzi's secrets were barely secrets because she told Bo about what she did so quickly, so it was certainly reasonable for Bo to get over it quickly.  Clearly when it comes to honesty to Bo there's Tamsin, Kenzi, and then everybody else is mighty far behind.
SlightlyTwistedDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 4:40 PM | Message # 84
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I need to watch this episode again to get a full grasp of it, because I watched it in a hurry before having to run off to work, and couldn't really appreciate it.
But.. That's what effin LOVE is!!!! 
Like, for real, all this hinting towards Valkubus! Please don't let it be just teasing!

Are they really trying to justify Lauren spy-banging Bo, with having had Crystal spy-bang Lauren, and Lauren being absolutely okay with it? Lame.

Post edited by SlightlyTwisted - Monday, 02 Dec 13, 7:22 PM
JTDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 7:40 PM | Message # 85
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Quote SlightlyTwisted ()
Are they really trying to justify Lauren spy-banging Bo, with having had Crystal spy-bang Lauren, and Lauren being absolutely okay with it? Lame.

Heh. I thought so too.

"My personality is who I am... my attitude depends on who you are..."
Isabel_QDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 10:44 PM | Message # 86
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Whoa! Guys, did you catch that?
Tamsin can command things...she commanded the tapes to release her!
She can do this now?
I'm excited to see what other abilities she has!

Oh, I have to say this...

Post edited by Isabel_Q - Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:07 PM
UberFaenaticDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:15 PM | Message # 87
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Quote Isabel_Q ()
Tamsin can command things...she command the tapes to release her!

I don't think she was commanding the tape.  I think she was commanding Massimo. wink

Valkubus observations:

1.  The Harbinger of Death was only slightly more grown up than non-Harbinger-y Tamsin, meaning she remembered certain things about her kind and was much more authoritative. "Stop. Release. Witness.  I'm the harbinger of death.  I arrive on winds of blessed air, air that you no longer deserve."  <3

And why? Because he went after Bo....which leads me to point 2.

2.  Massimo was trying to scare Tamsin into going valkyrie so she'd drop a lock of hair, but she didn't turn valkyrie to protect herself. She turned on the awesome to protect Bo, even though she thinks Bo hates her.  I think this highlights her innate nobility and sense of honor she doesn't even think she has.

3.  When Tamsin accuses her of lying and despising her, Bo turns toward Massimo because she knows that he's the one who filled Tamsin's mind with his version of their relationship.  And she shoots straight with Tamsin because she knows the truth will reach her.

4.  "That's what love feels like."  Bo sees her as a child right now (because she is one)...and doesn't know about the anvil-ish conversation she had with Dyson.  But even without her memory, Tamsin is a fast learner.  What did Dyson say?  You'll know it when you feel it?  Tamsin might be super young, but she's not stupid.  And that line was put in there for a reason.

Added (02 Dec 13, 11:15 PM)
Oh and another one.  HT/

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"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"

Post edited by UberFaenatic - Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:18 PM
Isabel_QDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:38 PM | Message # 88
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Quote UberFaenatic ()
I don't think she was commanding the tape.  I think she was commanding Massimo.
Ohh, my bad  sad

Added (02 Dec 13, 11:38 PM)

UberFaenaticDate: Monday, 02 Dec 13, 11:52 PM | Message # 89
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HeeHeee,  It's all good. smile

"And I wonder...can you really know yourself without memory? I mean, can you really know what you want?" - Bo Dennis, "Of All the Gin Joints"
Isabel_QDate: Tuesday, 03 Dec 13, 0:13 AM | Message # 90
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biggrin Was excited when I thought the possibility that she can command things, lol, I'm like.. "tv, on!", lol lol
Silly me.

Quote UberFaenaticBTW... it was a full body glow.  Have we seen that before?Not sure, I only saw parts of S1, haven't seen S2. 
Saw S3 hundred times though lol, didn't see it that season, but I have a bad habit of fastforwarding scenes so.. 